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Call Transfer


Attended Transfer: Allows you to notify the person you are transferring the call to, prior to completing the transfer (e.g.: “Excuse me Mr. XYZ, I have Mr. ABC on the line for you, can you take the call?”)

Unattended Transfer: Allows you to transfer the call without notifying the person you are transferring to. If the person does not pick up, their voicemail will answer.

Attended transfer

Note: Once connected to a caller, you will see “Transfer” on the LCD screen of the phone.

  1. Press “Transfer”. This will automatically place the other person on hold.
  2. Dial the extension of the person you want to notify (the person you will be transferring to).
  3. Press “OK” .
  4. Let the person know that you will be transferring someone to them.
  5. Press the “Transfer” button to complete the transfer.

Note: If the person you are transferring to does not wish to take the call, press the “Cancel” button located on the LCD screen of your phone. Next, you will see that the person on the other line is on hold. Press “Resume” to let them know that the person cannot take their call.

Unattended transfer

  1. Press “Transfer”. This will automatically place the other person on hold.
  2. Dial the extension of the person you want to transfer to.
  3. Press “Transfer” to complete the transfer.

Note: If no one is at the extension you are transferring to, their voicemail will pick up.





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