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  4. Interactive welcome message – Registration instructions (IVR)

Interactive welcome message – Registration instructions (IVR)

Auto-Attendant describes a feature in a telephony system (PBX) where a voice menu system helps the caller reach the intended extension/party without having to go through a human telephone operator or a receptionist.


Before recording your message, please make sure your script is complete.

Sample IVR script :


Merci d’avoir appelé NOM COMPAGNIE. For English press 9.

Si vous connaissez le numéro du poste de la personne que vous désirez joindre, composez-le maintenant.

Pour le département des opérations appuyez sur le 1, pour les ventes appuyez sur le 2, pour la comptabilité appuyez sur le 3, pour consulter le répertoire de l’entreprise faites l’étoile, et pour une assistance immédiate appuyez sur le 0. Pour répéter ce message, appuyez sur le 8.


Thank you for calling COMPANY NAME.

If you know the extension of the person you would like to reach, please dial it now.

To reach the operations department press 1, for the sales department press 2, for accounting press 3, to access the company directory please press the star key, for immediate assistance press 0. To hear this message again press 8.

Note: Note that our system does not support the # key, so if you have the option for a directory, please use the star (*) in place of the hash.

The procedure for recording your message is as follows:

  1. You must call our number 1 855-510-5010 and dial extension 202.
    Proceed to record your complete message.
  2. Hang up when your message is complete.
  3. Note: If you make a mistake while recording, press the star (*) to start again, or hang up and call our number again.
We will then automatically receive the recording audio file in the correct format.
Then send us your instructions by e-mail to
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Never reset the application before consulting our technical support team. If you reset the application, a new user code will be required for security reasons, and you will be unable to use the application in the meantime.